Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide for Solar Panels: Surrey Electricians’ Expert Advice


As the demand for renewable energy continues to rise, solar panel systems have become increasingly popular in Surrey, BC. According to a report by the Government of British Columbia, as of 2021, solar installations in the province have grown by an impressive 500% over the past five years. This indicates the increasing adoption of solar energy systems in Surrey and the surrounding areas.

These systems harness the power of the sun to generate electricity, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and minimizing environmental impact. However, like any technology, solar panels require regular maintenance and occasional troubleshooting to ensure optimal performance and longevity. In this article, we will provide expert advice tailored specifically to Surrey electricians, offering guidance on maintaining and troubleshooting solar panel systems in the region.

Regular Cleaning and Inspection

Regular cleaning and inspection are essential for keeping solar panels operating at peak efficiency. Surrey’s climate, characterized by moderate rainfall and occasional dust accumulation, necessitates more frequent cleaning compared to some other regions. Dirt, dust, leaves, and bird droppings can obstruct sunlight and reduce the panels’ energy production. We recommend a thorough cleaning at least twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall.

To clean the panels, use a soft brush or sponge with a non-abrasive detergent and water. Avoid using abrasive materials or high-pressure water sprays that may damage the panel’s surface. It is important to turn off the system and disconnect it from the electrical grid before cleaning for safety purposes.

In addition to cleaning, regular inspections are crucial for identifying any signs of wear, damage, or potential issues. Check for loose connections, cracked glass, or any signs of corrosion. Inspections should also include a close examination of the wiring, inverters, and mounting hardware. If you encounter any problems during the inspection, it is advisable to consult a professional Surrey electrician, such as BPM Electric, a trusted provider of electrician services in the area.

Identifying and Addressing Common Issues

Solar panel systems can experience various issues that can impact their performance. Here are some common problems Surrey electricians may encounter and how to address them:


Shading is one of the primary factors that can significantly reduce a solar panel system’s efficiency. Even partial shading from trees, nearby buildings, or debris can lead to a significant decrease in energy production. Regularly trim any overhanging branches or remove obstacles that cast shadows on the panels. Consider the position of the panels during the installation to minimize shading risks.

Reduced Efficiency

If you notice a sudden drop in your solar panel system’s energy production, it may be due to reduced efficiency. This can be caused by factors such as dirt accumulation, wiring issues, or a faulty inverter. Thoroughly clean the panels as mentioned earlier and inspect the wiring and connections. If the problem persists, consult a Surrey electrician to diagnose and resolve the issue.

The City of Surrey’s Sustainable Energy Strategy aims to achieve 80% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2050. Solar energy plays a crucial role in achieving this target by providing clean and renewable electricity. The strategy encourages the installation of solar panels and offers support for homeowners and businesses to transition to solar power. 

Handling Repairs or Replacements

In some cases, solar panel systems may require repairs or component replacements. It is crucial to handle these tasks safely and efficiently. Here are some guidelines to follow:

Electrical Safety

Prioritize electrical safety when working on solar panel systems. Always turn off the system and disconnect it from the electrical grid before attempting any repairs or replacements. If you are unsure about the electrical aspects, it is best to seek assistance from a licensed Surrey electrician.

Component Replacement

If a specific component of the system, such as an inverter or a damaged panel, needs replacement, contact the manufacturer or a reputable solar panel service provider. They can assist you in procuring the correct replacement parts and guide you through the installation process.

Local Resources and Services

Surrey offers various local resources and services that can assist electricians with solar panel maintenance and repairs. BPM Electric is a trusted electrician service provider in Surrey, BC, with expertise in solar panel installations, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Their team of skilled electricians can provide guidance and support for any solar panel-related issues. 


Maintaining and troubleshooting solar panel systems is essential for maximizing their performance and lifespan. Surrey electricians should prioritize regular cleaning and inspections to ensure optimal energy production. Addressing common issues like shading and reduced efficiency promptly can prevent further complications. When it comes to repairs or replacements, prioritize safety and consult professionals like BPM Electric for expert guidance. By following these guidelines, Surrey electricians can contribute to the seamless operation of solar panel systems in the region, promoting renewable energy and sustainability for a brighter future.
